Coastal Argentina & Tierra Del Fuego
Trips to the Antarctic can be added to with stops in Buenos Aires and Ushuia in tierra del Fuego. A wide range of birds and other wildlife can be seen and also in Tierra del Fuego, some magnificent scenary .
Birds of the coastal regions of Chile, Peru and Ecuador
South American birds from the extremely dry Atacama Desert to the Jungles of Ecuador

The land of the Incas - Culture and Wildlife
Cultural and historical view of the Cusco and Macchu Picchu area and its accompanying wildlife.
An Introduction to South American Birding
Neotropical birds can be confusing to European birders who have never experienced them before. The lecture tries to simplify the myriad of groups and focuses on the key identification points to enable the interested novice to get started.
Also we will touch on convergent evolution, The direction of evolution depends on the ecology and since ecological niches can be similar in different parts of the world, unrelated species can evolve to look very similar - defined by their niche not their ancestry
Also we will touch on convergent evolution, The direction of evolution depends on the ecology and since ecological niches can be similar in different parts of the world, unrelated species can evolve to look very similar - defined by their niche not their ancestry

Seabirds of the Pacific seaboard of South America
The Humbolt current is the clue to the immense biodiversity in this region with more than enough species to easily fill this lecture

The Galapagos - Endemism unleashed!
An illustrated account of the wonderful wildlife of these enchanted islands-many of whose species are endemic or found nowhere else. We shall look at how this contributed to developing Darwin's theory and our modern interpretation of it.