The Rebirth of the Blues
Britain's Blue butterflies have had some hard times, but many are doing well with improved conservation techniques which are the result of understanding the complex ecology of these species, in particular their relationship with ants. The lecture explores this using examples from Norfolk and Somerset.

A celebration of European Burtterflies
Just that!

Take a closer look at Insects
A chance to look at the wonderful range of insect orders. This lecture can have a Norfolk, British or European theme and will also cover aspects of the amazing life histories of these organisms

Dragons and Damsels
The Odonata is an Insect Order which birders regularly develop an interest in. They have been around since the Carboniferous and are superbly adapted predators.with a fascinating biology and ecology. We will look at UK species.

Lots to Grouse About
The story of 6 European species of Grouse. A mixture of fascinating biology, environmentalism and politics

Who's Who In the Invertebrates
Invertebrate Zoology is absolutely fascinating as this talk will proove. How did life progress from simple cells to complex organisms. What were the main steps and what drove them to occur. Take a look at locomotion in this diverse group. Where did vertebrates come from... and so much more

An Evening with Lemurs
This unique group of Primates exists only in Madagascar.. Learn how this cameĀ about and what the remalkable adaptive radiation of the colonisers has produced.

British Orthoptera
Biology, identification, and a sound guide to the songs of Grasshoppers and Crickets

A fascination with Orchids
This is a fascinating group of plants in so many ways. There is real mystery here and this and their beauty makes them a group that most people want to know more about. This can be done for UK and or European species

Encounters with Penguins
I have been very lucky to have spent a lot of time with penguins. 7 species are covered in this talk. They are fascinating creatures and a visit to a rookery provides a great insight to their amazing lives. You also bump into other creatures on your visit....

Many talks are possible on this group. A general talk, regionally eg North Sea,by Group - Gulls and Terns, Tube-noses etc. I have good images for a wide range of options. Please contact me with an idea!

Your Garden Top 40
Every year their is a BTO Garden Bird survey and here are the results with pictures and some detail of Britains top 40 garden birds!

Getting to grips with Waders
You can easily tell the difference between these species but within individual groups of waders it can be a lot more difficult. This lecture aims to help identification of wader speciesĀ and reveals something of their biology and ecology

Whales and Dolphins
Cetacean biology, evolution, feeding, diving physiology, sonar.
Identification of important species appropriate to the lecture location.
Identification of important species appropriate to the lecture location.